We have selected Tenerife in the Canary Islands, Spain, as our preferred location for several compelling reasons. Tenerife provides a secure, stable, and highly reliable economic environment that is conducive to our business operations. Moreover, it boasts a unique tax system within Europe, offering a plethora of opportunities for establishing and strengthening our enterprise.

One of the key advantages of Tenerife is its legal certainty, thanks to its fully EU-authorized tax framework. This framework provides a wide range of investment incentives and positions Tenerife as having the most favorable taxation in Europe, particularly due to its status as an ultra-peripheric region. Let's explore some of the specific benefits:

  1. Canary Islands Special Zone (ZEC): Companies registered in this zone enjoy a corporate tax rate of only 4%.
  2. Deductions for investment in video games as Innovation Activities are substantial, with up to 45% available. If the activities also involve research and development (R&D), the deductions can reach an impressive 75.6%. Approval from the Spanish innovation administration, CDTI, is required for this.
  3. The Investment Reserve (RIC) enables significant tax savings of up to 90%.
  4. Value Added Tax (VAT) is set at a competitive rate of 7%.
  5. Withholding taxes is nonexistent, providing additional financial advantages.
  6. Operating within the Free Trade Zone (ZFT) grants exemptions on import and export duties, further enhancing cost-effectiveness.

Considering these factors, Tenerife emerges as an exceptional choice for our business endeavors, offering a favorable economic landscape and an enticing tax framework that supports our growth and success.


Deductions for investment in video games as innovation Activities are substantial, with up to 45% available. If the activities also involve research and development (R&D), the deductions can reach an impressive 75.6%. Approval from the Spanish innovation administration, CDTI, is required for this.

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